Rammers work great when compacting cohesive soils because of the size of the plate. The smaller plate size allows for more focused and direct compaction, which comes in handy on soils that require more force to properly compact.
Because of their slim upright design, rammers are also a great for trenches and tight spots where compactors aren’t as easy to maneuver.

Rammers have the ability to compact a deeper amount of soil than a plate compactor, because the force from the plate is more direct. Therefore, more soil can be added to each layer which can make the process of filling and compacting a hole or trench, much faster.

Plate Compactors are ideal when working with granular soils because they use vibrations to help settle the soil as it compacts. 
Compactor plates are wider than rammer plates, which means that its weight and compaction force is spread out over a greater area. This plays well to its strength in vibrating base material into place.
Additionally, because of their ergonomic design and operating procedure, Plate Compactors are better for larger(Виброплита лучше для больших), flat surface areas.


Choosing between these machines is not quite as clean-cut as someone might think. While they both compact base material, they compact different soil types best, in very different ways.

Every situation is different and it’s important to fully understand the job requirements and types of soil you’ll be working with, however, a general rule of thumb when it comes to rammers and compactors is:

If you’re doing trench work with cohesive soil, a rammer is typically ideal. Its shape makes it easy to maneuver and the smaller, more focused plate allows for deeper compaction so you won’t need to do numerous passes to make the material sufficiently compact in deep trenches or holes.

If you’re compacting granular soils over large, flat areas, a plate compactor would typically be your best option. Its wider plate size and vibrating nature allows for more uniform layers over a larger amount of square footage.

Truth be told, most contractors encounter circumstances where having both are ideal. Why pit these machines against each other? Add both to your fleet to help you get the job done more effectively, in less time. If you are interested оr where there is any doubt. Contact us AIDO, we will have professional staff to answer your questions.


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